Sunday, June 20, 2010

One Worth Fighting For

Too often in the dog fancy, we are accused of only opposing legislation. Unfortunately, the truth is we do seem to come out in force when we feel threatened by legislation such as mandatory spay/neuter bills but are not as fast to act if we are not directly affected. Such is the case with AB 2000, a bill that is intended to save dogs' lives which would otherwise be compromised. Called Molly's Bill after a dog with a life threatening reaction to the rabies vaccine, AB 2000 would allow a medical waiver for the required rabies vaccination without facility quarantine. California is a rabies state but it is rarely found in domesticated dogs. Dogs living in California are required to be vaccinated every three years. For dogs with lethal reactions, compromised immune systems, or those suffering from cancer or other illnesses it is consider contraindicated to vaccinate for rabies. This leaves owners in a difficult quandary-- violate the law or potentially kill your loving pet.

AB 2000 provides the fix by allowing a veterinarian to provide medical proof that a dog should be exempt from the rabies vaccine mandate. Dogs under four months of age are exempt, provided owners do not allow the puppy to wander freely or publicly. It would seem reasonable to assume that dogs medically exempt from the rabies vaccine would voluntarily follow similar guidelines, primarily so as not to expose their pet to diseases from other dogs.

AB 2000 is in the Senate Health Committee. Even if AB 2000 doesn't directly affect you, it might some day so now is the time to show support. Contact the Senate today!