Thursday, July 2, 2009

State Employees Continue to Be Paid - IOUs or Not

You might think that would the threat of no income in the coming weeks and months due to the IOUs that legislators and staffers would be frantically working on real solutions. I would be if my income was going to be cut off.

But here is how it works - really almost every year. We have no budget. Almost all employees belong to a Sacramento credit union which makes no-interest loans which equal their salary - because they know that sooner or later the money will be there. By providing this service the credit union has a captive (and happy) membership.

So if you are thinking that cow tails and dog reproduction will now be traded for work on significant California problems, dream on. While many of us have taken pay cuts, are "really" furloughed or have lost our jobs, the legislators and staffers have none of those concerns.

The only incentive they have to address this mess is that it could interfere with their break from July 17 to August 17.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Continuing Raids in Pavley's District

The raids are continuing in full force. Squads of animal control officers and police officers are conducting their early morning raids in the parks on the Westside. Animal Control warned us that this would happen. They said Los Angeles needed their new law so they could have a new tool to use against those people who abuse the system. ANd what is more abusive that Westside soccer moms and movie executives letting their dogs play together off leash while they get together and chat.

Swooping down in vans and LAPD vehicles, they are rounding up and citing people left and right. They have no information, just issue their citations. Now, under SB250, all of the people who were cited just lost their ability to ever own another intact dog. Because they now fall into the category that is forbidden by SB250