Tuesday, October 6, 2009


The Pomona City Council Meeting was held last night and several people attended who have an interest in whether or not Pomona implements MSN.
Speaking against taking such action were Mary Bradley, Geneva Coates, Melissa Paul and Cathie Turner. Also in the audience (among others that left before I could get all the names) were Terry Toussaint and Ellen Yamada. It is a shame that not everyone spoke, since that opportunity existed. Once key points have been made, you just need to be a "me too" so they can gauge opposition.

Unfortunately in the time available it was not possible to get to the heart of the issue. Pomona is considering this action because there is a $300,000 deficit between what they will owe Inland Valley Humane Society and what they now raise in fees. This was the reason they raised their licensing fees from $10 to $35 for altered animals and raised the rate for unaltered animals fro $45 to $70. If history repeats itself the City will find that new licensing compliance will fall, negating the effect of these increases.

It is important that residents of Pomona make appointments with their Mayor and Council members to discuss these issues prior to the proposal being made by IVHS.

Posted via email from cdocdogtalk